A Hope of a New Beginning for Nepal’s Tourism

As the threat of the Corona Virus(Covid-19) is still looming over the world and returning back to normal is still far from happening, the Ministry Of Culture Tourism and Civil Aviation has considered reopening all tourism-related activities including mountain climbing as the autumn season commences. As the world economy is seemingly in crisis our government plans to minimize the losses to some extent by letting some business sectors run as usual by adopting all health safety measures. In mid-June, the government had begun to ease the lockdown to lessen the economic fallout from the pandemic. The Nepal Government has also decided to lift the temporary ban on all international and domestic flights from August 17 in the country.

It gives the glimmer of hope for the stagnant business as they were facing the problem of keeping their business afloat. Now with this announcement of letting the chosen specific business sectors run it might prove to be a breath of fresh air for the travel companies as well.

Is it safe to travel to Nepal?

Most of you might have this question if the Nepal Government has announced to reopen the tourism industry but is it still safe to travel to Nepal? You’re right to be cautious about traveling to any country in the current situation. But regarding whether it is safe or not to visit Nepal it’s still hard to say. As nothing can be said until the vaccine is provided but until then safety measures are being taken to reduce the risk of contamination. Although tests are being conducted here on a daily basis to find the infected individuals still if not in large numbers there have been cases popping up now and then. But due to the quick actions were taken by the government when signs of the virus were seen inside the country due to which it hasn’t been able to spread like wildfire. Much of the cities have been operating as usual with some restrictions placed to prevent the spread of the virus.